Numeri precedente

Tomo 2 - Numero 2

Cultori dell’Incontro

Rivista online delle Cattedre Scholas

Tomo 2, Numero 2, Giugno 2020


ISSN 2683-7560





Daniel Stigliano (pg. 2 – 3)  PDF


Homage to the families affected by the Covid-19 (pg. 4 – 5) PDF


Asse I - Educare per l'umanesimo solidale: l'innovazione educativa (Arte, sport e tecnologia)


Development, institutions and art as strategy?

Miguel Francisco Gutiérrez (pg. 6 – 24) PDF


Art and education. A humanizing experience through intergenerational encounter

Gonzalo Alberó Alabort, Amparo Salcedo Mateu, Marta García Vicente (pg. 25 – 32) PDF


Building bridges through games and sports in secondary education

Yolanda Ruiz Ordóñez, Ángel Manuel Turbi Pinazo, Marta García Vicente (pg. 33 – 41) PDF


Entrepreneurial competence in higher education and educational thought of Pope Francis

Miguel Ángel Barbero Barrios, Yolanda Ruiz Ordóñez, Guillermo Casanovas Cavestany (pg. 42 – 52) PDF


Asse II - Laudato Si: Educare per un´ ecologia integrale: sostenibilità ambientale e sociale


Nurturing fraternal economic values

Enrique Lluch Frechina, Yolanda Ruiz Ordóñez (pg. 53 – 63) PDF


Interiority program to create a Laudato Si’ based culture of care at school

Carmen Jalón, Jesús Montero-Marín, Marta Modrego Alarcón, Mayte Navarro-Gil, Javier García-Campayo. (pg. 64 – 78) PDF


An ungoverned economy: new paradigms

Ladislau Dowbor (pg. 79 – 102) PDF


Asse III - Assisi: Educare per il Dialogo interculturale e interreligioso per la pace sostenibile


Communication without violence. Learning the language of peace

Ricardo Toledo (pg. 103 – 112) PDF 


A socio-educational experience to raise awareness on the eradication of sexual slavery

Carmen Moret Tatay, Yolanda Ruiz Ordóñez, Agustín Domingo Moratalla (pg. 113 – 129) PDF


Islam, Education and Interreligious Dialogue: from school to university, education as an antidote to prejudice

Nancy Falcón (pg. 130 – 136) PDF


A school that goes forth. Educational encounters in the peripheries

Javier Alonso Arroyo (pg. 137 – 146) PDF


News from Scholas Chairs


Recherches et activités du Cattedre Scholas dans la transformation de la réalité sociale à l’Université Catholique du Congo

Martinien Bosokpale Dumana, Paulin Kalala, Jean-Pierre Lopaka, Hervé N’Landu Mayamba, Fanny Semba Kongote (pg. 147 – 153) PDF


Authors (pg. 154 – 162)  PDF